Monday, March 5, 2012

Lent2-I love you, now change!

Title is link. Week two's "Training Exercise" is to spend at least 15 minutes to reading scripture. You may read from the daily lectionary; or from the Psalms or Proverbs, or any of the various bible reading plans available. One way to read scripture is through Lectio Divina--

Lectio divina is an ancient method for praying with the Bible, being open to hearing in the words of Scripture a personally enlivening and transforming word from God. Begin by choosing a brief passage of Scripture (this week’s suggestion is Mark 8:31-38), and a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed in your prayer time. After you have taken a few minutes to quiet your mind, turn your attention to the passage you have selected.

Lectio: Read a short passage of text that you have decided upon in advance. Read slowly, letting your awareness rest in turn upon each word, savoring it. As you read, be alert for any particular word or phrase that draws your attention in a special way.
Meditatio: Meditate on this word or phrase, allowing it to engage you fully. Does the word upon which you are meditating connect with some aspect of your own experience? As you hold this word or phrase in your heart, let yourself become aware of any answering words, images, or memories that arise in you.

Oratio:  Respond to the Word you have heard, simply and directly. Your heart may call out in thanks, or praise, or joy. If the Word has been painful, your response might be one of remorse, or anger, or supplication.

Contemplatio: Rest in God's presence, content simply to be with God.

Note: The experience of this movement is not a programmed 1-2-3-4 progression. From the first step we are entering into a “flow” which has an inner direction, and its course will be unique to each time of prayer.
The word of God is living and active … 

For more information you may visit:

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