Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Interview with Mayor Coss

For the third time in my life I have been interviewed for radio.  The first was with Bob Chesnut with Mary Charlotte'a Radio Cafe about a new church plant effort (that didn't take--the church that is).
The interview was indicative of Santa Fe's interest in the effort we were putting forth for a church plant. I was kind of a by-stander, well, we both kind of were, since she called us on at Bob's request when her preferred guest canceled. Hear it here

The second was with Somos un Pueblo Unido, a wonderful human rights group in Santa Fe who wanted to speak about the varying levels of reactions within faith communities toward immigrants and the at the time recent controversial Arizona law SB 1070.  I knew Marcela Diaz and the co-host Elsa fairly well, and this was a phone interview. I was the sole guest, and it was intriguing to talk with them knowing that some listeners were going to be tuning in at some point.  I tried to not let that get to me and just answer their questions to the best of my ability.  Hear that here.  It got a little easier for me, but still, I'm pretty green.

Then this week, I was asked by the Mayor's assistant, Carla Lopez, with whom I work on the immigration committee, to interview with Mayor David Coss, who happens to lives in my neighborhood.  Where as before, with Marcela, I resisted, in this case, I jumped on it.  And was determined to have a good time.  He wanted to speak about the Interfaith Shelter that recently was given $1M by the city to buy and renovate a building a run a new more holistic approach to homelessness - SF-ROC.  While I am not the expert or most qualified person to speak to the effort, I knew enough, and was excited to be with the Mayor.  He asked me to bring a guest. I asked Trasie, and Mayor Coss was courteous enough to  engage her with her good work, even though he hoped to focus on the shelter.
The interview will air Saturday, Dec 11 at 9 am on AM 1260. I hope to find a link soon, but in the meantime it was a good time for me to share of the good work of the community to come together and provide a shelter, and to hear my wife share of her good work, and the Mayor was genuinely interested.  

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