Thursday, February 25, 2010

And then...?

Turns out, that line at the drive through line, "And then...?" from "Dude, where's my car" was not original with that movie...who'd of thunk it. 

Here's a story told about the famous fourth century philosopher and orginal cynic, Diogenes in an encounter with a young Alexander the great, from a program on doubt:

Diogenes asked Alexander what his plans were. Alexander answered that he planned to conquer and subjugate Greece. "Then what?" Diogenes asked. Alexander said that he planned to conquer and subjugate Asia Minor. "And then?" Alexander said that he planned to conquer and subjugate the world. Diogenes, who was not easily dissuaded from a line of inquiry, posed the question again: "And what next?" Alexander the Great told Diogenes that after he had finished conquering and subjugating, he planned to relax and enjoy himself. Diogenes responded, "Why not save yourself a lot of trouble by relaxing and enjoying yourself now?"

1 comment:

  1. I like that story. I think we could be a lot happier if we took the time to be fully present and enjoyed the present moment instead of letting our plans for the future distract us from life right now.
