Slide Day 3 – The third week of our look at Celtic Christianity, as guided by Philip Newell’s The Book of Creation. (pp. 33-47)..
The focus for day 3 is looking at how God is a generous God.
The Celts see this generosity displayed through a connection between the gift of creation and the gift of God’s grace.
Emerging with this chapter of Newell’s The book of Creation, are themes echoed on the approaching Earth Day as well as themes lifted up in the national movement for pay raises.
There are challenges as we would hope and expect.
What I love about being in a community of faith is that we don’t have to shy away from challenges, but instead can listen with our own ears and share from our own perspectives what we are hearing.
There is a three level movement in this sermon.
The first is our connection with Creation.
The second, considering how this connection with creation results in the way we treat one another.
And the third, how the gift of creation relates to the gift of grace.
Let’s see what moves in us...
First: Our connection with Creation.
As many of you know, Trasie and I spent 7 brown and cold springs in the high desert of New Mexico before moving back to our home of Georgia…,
it's so wonderful to be back in the south for Spring
Greening all around. plants bursting forth!
The colors on the flowering trees!
breathe in the freshness—as long as you don’t have allergies
[SLIDE TWO VIDEO: IN case our experience of this spring has been damped a bit by recent rain, I came across a brief time lapse video of Nature bursting into Spring…
check it out. ]
I absolutely love it.
Creation: God’s word spoken! as we see in Genesis.
What does it mean for us that God Spoke everything into being? Do we believe this?
“All things have come into being through the Word,” says the gospel of John.
The celts affirm all things at heart are a birth or embodiment of God’s word- Christ.
On day three seeds planted deep within the earth--fruit-bearing life hidden within…burst forth.
A clear sign of an abundance of growth and potential.
Born of God, “God saw all the life springing forth from the ground, and said,
It’s all good.’
Goodness is not just a characteristic…
goodness is the very source of life.
Goodness is the essence of life
Our lives and all of creation come from that which is good;
and therefore in essence are good as well.
Everything and every person in essence is good?